Please understand that these are the reasons I decided to learn Angular. I am not saying that this is why you should choose Angular.
It’s free
I’ve marveled over the years at the quality of free software, whether from Google or open source. It seems like it’s more reliable sometimes than software enterprises pay for.
It’s for web-based development
I like the reach of the web. I liked Angular’s pitch that it is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web-apps. I also liked that AngularJS models are plain old JavaScript objects. This makes your code easy to test, maintain, reuse…. This prose is from the old AngularJS, however, and so not entirely true for the new Angular, the Angular that I am learning. The big difference is TypeScript. Yes the models are JavaScript objects, but they are in TypeScript which IMHO disqualifies them for the adjectives plain and old. It is technically possible to use the new Angular with JavaScript instead of TypeScript, but I didn’t want to put myself outside of normal Angular conventions. People who work in Angular work in TypeScript.
It claims to facilitate creating software that is readily testable
Effective testing is critical for mature production quality systems. By effective I mean testing that really does prevent problems from getting introduced, but at the same time does not hinder creativity and productivity.
My impression is that it is more complete
This means Angular programmers will have more in common with each other, something good for everyone involved with Angular. This is the classic debate of composite of best-of-breeds verses integrated solution. There isn’t a universally right and wrong side of this debate. I just decided if I was going to learn something new, and so new that I would not just be learning it, but learning from it, I would let Google guide me in what is cool. Maybe this sounds a little strange. I am just being honest here.
It claims to be for all devices (phones, tablets, pc’s)
I am still learning about this. All I can say is it sure did sound nice when I was deciding to go for Angular.
What about React, Vue, Ember, and Meteor?
These competitors all sound worthy. I just wanted to pick one and dive deeper than I could if I tried them all.