New shuffle

Shufflizer has new shuffle algorithm. This is the action that occurs when you click a rand button.

The songs are shuffled in up to three sections. If there are any unlistened songs they are shuffled and put first. Then if there are listened songs they are split into two sections, each shuffled separately. One is less-recently listened songs and the other is more-recently listened songs.

If beenhere listen indicators are turned off then all songs are shuffled as unlistened songs.


Shufflizer does not communicate this sectioning to the user. The rand button “just works.”

With the old algorithm, if the user was paying attention to the end of the list the user’s expectation that songs should be moving around when clicking rand was not met. Recently listened songs were pinned in a certain order at the end.

Now with the new algorithm more shuffling occurs. Shufflizer still puts recently listened songs at the end, but is less pathological about it.